Your greatest financial assets as a psychologist are your health and your capacity to generate income.
We understand that no one likes to think about worst case scenarios, but we also know the importance of being prepared for them. That's why we offer a range of insurance policies to protect you and your loved ones in case of death, injury or illness.
The statistics are sobering - every day in Australia, 220 people are diagnosed with some form of cancer, and over 36,000 Australians die from cancer each year. Serious illness can strike anyone, regardless of age or gender, and the reality is that most Australians are under-insured or not insured at all.
When it comes to life insurance, the most important question is: can you afford to live without it? At any stage of life, most people have financial commitments, and insurance can provide peace of mind and financial security.
1. Life Cover
Life cover which pays a lump sum to your dependants if you die unexpectedly
2. Total & Permanent Disablement (TPD) Cover
 TPD pays a lump sum if you suffer an illness or injury that permanently prevents you from working
3. Trauma Cover
Trauma Cover pays a lump sum if you suffer any range of specified illnesses such as heart attack, stroke or cancer.
4. Income Protection Insurance
Income Protection Insurance pays a portion of your income to your family while you are unable to work.
An experienced financial planner can help you choose the policy that best
suits your individual needs and budget.
Don't let the fear of the unknown stop you from taking action to protect yourself and your family.